Gotham High Staff Room


The book room is an intrinsic element of any staffroom. It is the spine which holds together pedagogy, assessment and content and as such should be organised to benefit the teachers who are using it. Having a book room is essential, specially for the Geography Faculty, as we are teaching our students about the world we live in.  The books and resources chosen for this staffroom will provide the student and the teacher with useful and relevant tools to that will help them achieve the objectives of this course.


The book room will be divided into 3 different sections, by stage:

Stage 4-5 (Yrs 7-10)

The Stage 4-5 section has content for Years 7-10.
This section will house appropriate content for years 7-10 which will include text books and resources such as: maps, atlases, magazines, and books relevant to the stage 4-5 units of work.

Stage 6 (Yrs 11-12)

This section will house appropriate content for years 11-12 which will include text books and resources such as: maps, atlases, magazines, and books relevant to the stage 6 units of work.

Please note that although the student numbers in this stage are much lower than stages 4-5 we must provide a succinct book room for the senior students due to their increased study load. 

Online book room

This section will be an online forum in which teachers can access and upload relevant online documents for use throughout the year. The online book room will be accessible to all teachers regardless of stage or class. Only students in years 11- 12 will be able to access the online book room.  Their teacher needs to provide her/his signature before they can access any documents from the online room.

Books & Resources

Stage 4-5

Stage 6


Find out who is responsible for each of the sections in the book room.

Allocation procedure

Find out who can get books from the book room and how.

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