Gotham High Staff Room



When planning units of work and developing an assessment program, teachers must ensure that the outcomes of each course syllabus are being addressed. The planning of programming which will be taken into consideration include: 

  • Allocating specific times for units within a topic
  • Identifying outcomes and linking these across the areas of study
  • Addressing  the learn too and the learn about: taken directly from the Board of Studies Website 

The following processes will be used as a guide when programming units of work: 

  • Identify the outcomes that will be addressed in the unit
  • Decide on the focus of the unit of work
  • Decide on the evidence of learning that will be required and  how students will demonstrate learning in relation to the outcomes. Furthermore, how this evidence will be gathered and recorded
  • Select the relevant syllabus content for the identified outcomes relating to the knowledge, understanding and skills that students will develop.
  • Plan the learning experiences and instruction, and
  • Identify the assessment for learning strategies that will provide the evidence of learning, checking that a range of assessment strategies is used; meaningful feedback in a variety of forms can be given to student; opportunities are provided to reflect on student progress and modify future learning experiences accordingly.

Each year of Geography will follow a different program and the following teacher’s will be responsible for the programs of the respective year: 

Year 7- Mrs Lee

Year 8- Mr Aiken

Year 9- Miss Simpson

Year 10- Mr Lee & Mrs Aiken

Year 11- Mr Watson & Miss Shelley

Year 12- Mrs Watson & Miss Shelley 

Program evaluation

Each term, there will be two topics taught to the students. A program evaluation meeting will occur at the end of each term (or end of syllabus topic). This meeting will be held in the Geography staffroom and all teachers involved will discuss how successful the program was in achieving student learning and outcomes. 

Feedback and any further suggestions will be given so that it may be implemented for the following year. These notes will be taken and constructed by the respective head teachers of each grade. 

For all mandatory Geography subjects through years 7 - 10, there will be a program evaluation for all teachers involved in teaching students. This will be conducted at the end of semester or at  the end of the syllabus topic 

For elective Geography subjects from years 9-12, a program evaluation will occur with the teacher who teaches that specific Geography class and other teachers who were involved in marking assessments for that class. Suggestions will be given and amendments will be made for future teaching.

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