Research supports the clear link between staff and student wellbeing. Having functional adults in the school as role models and key adults for many students is an important part of creating a resilient school community. This conference will explore resilience as it relates to school staff and the link between personal empowerment and individual wellbeing. Keynote and workshop sessions will investigate the ëcaring for the carerí notion that suggests we cannot care for students if we don't first care for ourselves.
Audience: Primary & Secondary: Executive staff responsible for pastoral care, directors of pastoral care, stage level coordinators, year coordinators, heads of house, class tutors, heads of PDHPE, all staff with an interest in their own wellbeing.
Categories: Conferences , Professional Learning - Cross KLA
Subjects: Pastoral Care
Date: Monday 30 July- 8.30am for 9am-4.30pm
Venue: Citigate Central Hotel, Sydney
If you are interested in attending this seminar please register with your Head of Department.